It’s been a tumultuous time for us all over the past few months, with vaccinations and the lifting of regulations dominating our lives. Things have steadily progressed in the right direction from where we were this time last year, but it’s still a time of caution and...
Community News
Newyddion Cymdeithasol
Click the image to read a digital version of the May 2023 edition of Llais Rhian.
Cliciwch i ddarllen fersiwn digidol o rhifyn mis Mai 2023 o Llais Rhian.
We’re working on uploading past editions of our beloved newspaper, but this will take some time, so please bear with us.
Rydym yn gweitho’n galed i uwchlwytho rhifynnau blaenorol o’n papur newydd anwyl, ond fe wnaeth hwn gymryd amser, felly daliwch ymlaen.
To volunteer to be part of the team at Llais Rhian, please email us at
I wirfoddoli i fod yn rhan o’r tim gyda Llais Rhian, e-bostiwch ni at
Latest News
Newyddion Diweddaraf
Here’s what’s been happening in our community lately. If you’d like to be a community contributor, please email
Dyma beth sydd wedi bod yn digwydd yn ein cymuned yn ddiweddar. Os hoffech chi fod yn gyfrannwr cymunedol, e-bostiwch
Spotlight on Rural Issues Llanrhian
Rural Issues Llanrhian Coordinators: Gill Leese & Margaret John Contact details: Gill - Rural Issues Llanrhian is an active community group that helps support and signpost those with particular issues in Llanrhian parish - it is a mini...
Spotlight on Gwelliant Trefin Improvements
Gwelliant Trefin Improvements Chairperson: Anthony Daniel Secretary: David Gardener Contact details: As the name suggests, Gwelliant Trefin Improvements, or GTI as it’s more widely known, is a charitable incorporated...